It’s okay to screw up

7 07 2010

Here is the lesson that I learned tonight on my “Something to Sleep On” call is that it’s okay to mess up. If you are grinding it everyday with the best intentions, it’s okay to screw up.

The best mom in the world did not become the best mom in the world by not messing up. Claire Huxtable did not become the best TV Mom in the world without making some mistakes. Just get up and dust yourself off. Every mogul in the world did not get to be who they are by being perfect. I loooove Oprah. But Oprah did not become Oprah by being perfect. Trust, that she made some mistakes along the way. But the one thing that she did NOT do was quit.

So, screwing up is okay. Just don’t quit.

Something To Sleep On is held Mon- Thursday @ 10pm EST. 219-509-8222 PIN 11110#. Call in if you need something to give you a lift.



One response

26 09 2010

So true – it is ok to screw up! Thank you for reminding me about that! 🙂

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